Thriving Places

We are committed to making a long-lasting, 通过合作解决当地的优先事项,对我们的社区产生积极的社会影响.

我们的目标是到2030年直接实现2亿英镑的社会和经济价值, through our social impact activity and support for SMEs.


我们将资源集中在三个能够发挥作用的关键领域, that matter in all our communities: education, employment and affordable space. 我们将这些承诺付诸实践的方式始终以地方为基础——根据当地需求和每个地方社区的机会量身定制.

Decent work and economic growth

1. Education

Goal: 有影响力的教育伙伴关系,到2030年使8万多人受益.

Progress: 自2020年以来,已有45450人从我们的教育合作伙伴关系中受益.

我们支持当地人民的教育计划,帮助他们释放自己的潜力, 培养面向未来的技能,提高对我们部门职业机会的认识. With awareness of local issues and opportunities, 倡议范围从小学项目和中学讲习班到学院活动和大学挑战, along with mentoring, site tours, talks and educational events.


People have benefited from our education initiatives since 2020

自2011年以来,我们与国家扫盲信托基金会的合作一直激励着孩子们快乐地阅读, working collaboratively with local schools and our customers. 这是企业和慈善机构在提高英国识字率方面规模最大、持续时间最长的合作.

Power of Reading for Pleasure Report
英国长期以来一直支持儿童识字,我们非常感谢他们的支持. Since 2011, our partnership has inspired over 68,培养对阅读的热爱,改变他们的生活.”
Jonathan Douglas CBE,
CEO of the National Literacy Trust

2. Employment

Goal: 有影响力的就业伙伴关系,到2030年将为1万多人提供有意义的支持.

Progress: 4,自2020年以来,已有400人从我们的就业和培训伙伴关系中受益,300 successfully securing jobs.

We support local training and jobs through Bright Lights, our skills and employment programme, working with customers, suppliers and local partners. Initiatives include pre-employment training, virtual programmes, mentoring, work placements, graduate schemes, internships and apprenticeships. This helps secure the skills our business, customers, suppliers and communities need to thrive in the future. Applying a robust approach to reporting, we only count people who receive meaningful, life-enhancing support. 更多的人在我们的地方报名或从事其他就业活动, such as job fairs.



我们与东伦敦商业联盟(ELBA)的Broadgate Connect就业和培训合作伙伴关系将Broadgate企业与当地人才联系起来. 自2012年以来,它一直在帮助东伦敦人在布罗德盖特及其周边地区获得令人满意的工作和学徒机会, 为我们的校园客户和供应商提供多样化的本地招聘.

A decade of Broadgate Connect
我希望伦敦的企业能够借鉴这一模式,认识到对技能的投资和全方位的就业支持将为他们带来好处, as well as adding significant value to the economy.”
Rajesh Agrawal,
Deputy Mayor for Business, Greater London Authority (GLA)

3. Affordable space

Goal: Affordable space at each priority place, with at least £10m of affordable workspace, retail space, community and arts space delivered across our portfolio by 2030.

Progress: £4.过去两年,政府为社区组织和企业提供了800万的可负担空间.

我们以可负担的价格为各种本地组织提供场地. This draws on our core strengths, providing high quality space to generate social impact, and helps differentiate our places. Affordable space includes workspace, 零售空间、社区和艺术空间(临时或永久), as well as outdoor pop-ups. Reflecting opportunities at each place, our approach includes supporting social enterprises, small businesses, charities, community groups and cultural organisations.

£ 4.8 m


与摄政广场的长期合作伙伴New Diorama Theatre (NDT)一起, 我们启动了“非传染性疾病传播门”,以帮助推动大流行后的艺术复苏. 一项独立的经济影响评估显示,NDT Broadgate为英国经济创造了4000万英镑的额外总收入.

Economic Impact of NDT Broadgate
NDT Broadgate是整个油田行业复苏的最重要引擎之一,也是创新的跨部门合作伙伴关系产生巨大价值的杰出例子. At ACE, 我们亲眼目睹了这一倡议对成千上万不同的人是多么重要, early-career artists at such a critical moment.”
Neil Darlison,
Director of Theatre for Arts Council England

Social Impact Fund

Goal: £25m Social Impact Fund investment to 2030, 包括至少1500万英镑的现金捐款和1000万英镑的可负担空间.

Progress: £5.5m of cash contributions and £4.8m of affordable space provided in the first three years.

Established in 2008, 我们的社会影响基金为我们所在地区的慈善机构和项目提供重要资金. All investment is guided by our Local Charter commitments. 我们将重点放在有利于我们优先资产周围社区的举措上, 特别是支持处于社会或经济劣势的人, or those who may not otherwise have access to opportunities. 与长期合作伙伴合作,我们的资金经常使新事物成为可能.

如欲了解基金运作详情,请参阅我们的《云顶集团游戏》: Policies

Our Social Impact Committee approves all expenditure from our Fund. For our latest data, see our Sustainability Progress Report.

Find out about our Social Impact Committee: Committees.

£ 5.5 m

of cash contributions and £4.8m of affordable space provided in the first three years

Sustainability Progress Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023

Local Charter

Local Charter

Sustainability Brief for our Places

Sustainability Brief for our Places

Sustainability Strategy 2030

Sustainability Strategy 2030

Latest sustainability blogs